The Towers of Eden was written by Christopher Nightingale and illustrated by Duncan Storr. It was due to be published in the Spring/Summer 2002 but appears to have been put on hold. The hunt and book itself was written and has indeed been seen by member of the club at Appleby Castle, but late interest from an American puiblisher put the project back a few months whilst a US edition was printed. However we have heard nothing more on this project since September 2002 so we must assume the hunt is in hold.
If you, like many others, have paid for your copy and would rather hava a refund than wait for publication, we suggest you contact the publisher in the first instance and failing that, if you are in the UK, contact your credit card company who are jointly responsible for you receiving the goods.
If and when it is finally published, the hardback book contains two parallel hunts comprising twelve full-colour double-page illustrations, three coloured maps taken from genuine seventeenth century originals and over 70 pages of background and history.
Since the world was made, a remote Cumbrian valley has hidden a secret. The story and enigma of Eden are revealed through the fictional seventeenth century, lost journal of Lady Anne Clifford, last of the Clifford line. The Towers of Eden is a tale of good and evil which can be enjoyed by young and old, anywhere in the world. The Medieval mystery is focussed on Lady Anne Clifford and her persuit of the castles in the Eden Valley after being inspired by Queen Elizabeth. Although supported by Elizabeth she was not supported by James I, James II and Charles I. Her legend travels from tower to tower involving all of the Towers of Eden which includes Brough Castle, Brougham Castle, Appleby Castle and Pendragon Castle. King Arthur, Taliesin, Hadrian, Ambrosius, Orm, St Ninian and others left an enduring mystery and fantasy for Lady Anne Clifford.
Clues and riddles within each of twelve chapter were to lead to one of twelve
tokens hidden, not buried, at sites around the county of Cumbria. Token finders who completed the official claim form wwre to be awarded a gold, sapphire and ruby Keeper's Brooch in a wooden casket - hand made by Monastic Woodcrafts and Paul Woodmas, blacksmith, from Westmorland and crafted from discarded seventeenth century floorboards of the Keep of Appleby Castle installed by Lady Anne Clifford. Rules stated only one brooch could be claimed per person/team. There was no time limit on claims for the twelve brooches.
Running in parallel would have been the hunt for The Guardian's Armour which consists of a full suit of gilded armour made by Master Armourer Peter Fuller, a jewelled and gilded sword and dagger made by Master swordsmith Simon Fearnham, an embroidered knights mantle made by Ede and Ravenscroft and a metre long gold, sapphire and ruby knights chain. The Guardians Armour was to be awarded to the ultimate winner at a tournament originally to be held at Appleby Castle during August 2003, but the new arrangements are unknown.
Entries for the Guardian's Armour had to be submitted by post and the puzzle may could be solved witout visiting Cumbria. In early 2002 it was stated that entries must be submitted on an official entry form at any time before 31 December 2002 and that entries will be opened in the order they were received after 1 January 2003. The first twelve correctly entrants were to be invited to the Grand Tournament to be held at Appleby Castle during the summer of 2003. Each of the correct entrants invited to the Grand Tournament was to receive a Keeper's Brooch similar to those awarded as chapter prizes. In addition they wold have receive a signed original illustration from the book.
The official website at contains further information including an order form and a forum/bulletin board for discussing the book but has not been updated since mid 2002.
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