The Armchair Treasure Hunt Club
Pearl Hunt: Anniversary Treasure

Anniversary Treasure was published in the October 2003 newsletter and was written by Brian Souter. The hunt is based around Ordnance Survey Landranger sheet 100: Malton & Pickering, Helmsley & Easingwold. Edition C2 Copyright 2003.

The hunt offered a genuine cultured pearl to the first finder and a clue to a further hunt to the first and all subsequent finders. This hunt is one of four English regional Pearl Hunts.

Each regional hunt worked independently but every club member who solved a regional hunt could visit the location and dig up a clue to the master hunt: The Gold Pearl Hunt - which offered a gold pearl buried somewhere in mainland Britain. Each of the four regional locations hid a different clue.

On 13 March 2004, five months months from publication Deborah Hatton, her two children, Paul Harkin and his wife and Martin Dennett met somewhere in the North Yorkshire, and at 11:30 they dug up their fourth and final pearl in the regional series. After musing their final clue for the Master Hunt, they cracked it and raced 80 miles to dig up the final treasure. But not before the team of six graciously returned the cultured pearl to the container for the next solver to take home.

Fourteen months elapsed before Rob & Diane Farmer and Jaci & Dave Blakeway homed in on the same location and claimed the pearl left by Paul and co. At 3:30pm on 12 May 2005 Dave and Diane found the pearl in Scawton, North Yorkshire.

Club members can follow online discussions on this hunt on the club bulletin board.

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