The Armchair Treasure Hunt Club
Newsletters 2024

All members of The Armchair Treasure Hunt Club receive four newsletters each year. The newsletter is written by our members and covers current club hunts, news on other hunts, features on general topics of interest, letters, prize puzzles, general chat, and more!

The newsletter is compiled, edited and published electronically on the Club Bulletin Board on behalf of the club by Pete.

Details of the other issues:

1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

In the 2024 issues:

Issue 157 - January 2024

Issue 158 - April 2024

Issue 159 - July 2024

Issue 157 January 2024 Issue 158 April 2024 Issue 159 July 2024  


Armchair Activities

Pablo's ATH - The Psychologicals' track down the thief

A Pleasant Little Puzzle #8 – Another challenge from Khoa

Who? What? Where? #5 – Win a tenner!

The Skeleton Key – book review

Tea Time Teasers – three fivers to be won!


Armchair Activities

Beau's Treasure - The Wise Men dig it up

Club Accounts

Who? What? Where? #5 – solution & winner

Just For Fun– solution

A Pleasant Little Puzzle #9 (Videre) – Another challenge from Khoa

A Pleasant Little Puzzle #8  – solution

Tea Time Teasers – three fivers to be won!

Pitch Up! 2024 club hunt invite


Armchair Activities

Pablo's ATH - The Prizegiving

A Pleasant Little Puzzle #10 (P.B.N.R.Q.K) – Another challenge from Khoa

A Pleasant Little Puzzle #9  – solution

TATHC website update - progress report

Tea Time Teasers – three fivers to be won!

Pitch Up! revised date for 2024 club hunt


Submitting articles

If you wish to submit an article or letter for publication, please discuss your submission with the Newsletter editor  then email it directly to the Newsletter editor in time for the next issue deadline. 

When submitting pictures or image, please ensure they do not exceed 300Kb preferably in Jpeg format.

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